The Role of Bones in a Raw Diet: What You Need to Know

Bones play a vital role in a raw diet, offering your pet nutrition, dental benefits, and mental stimulation. While bones are often viewed as a natural and beneficial part of a pet’s diet, it’s essential to understand their role, potential risks, and how to properly incorporate them into a raw feeding plan.

Why Include Bones in a Raw Diet?

Bones serve multiple roles in a raw diet, providing nutritional benefits as well as behavioural and dental advantages for your pet:

  1. Nutritional Value:
    • Calcium and Phosphorus: Bones are rich in calcium and phosphorus, two essential minerals that help maintain healthy bones, teeth, and joints. These minerals also support proper muscle function, nerve transmission, and cellular processes.
    • Collagen and Cartilage: Some bones, particularly those with connective tissues like joints (e.g., chicken wings), contain collagen and cartilage, which can support joint health by promoting elasticity and reducing inflammation.
    • Micronutrients: Raw bones are a source of micronutrients such as magnesium, zinc, and iron, which play a critical role in various bodily functions.
  2. Dental Health:
    • Chewing on soft raw, meaty bones helps to clean a dog or cat’s teeth by scraping away plaque and tartar buildup. This natural brushing action can promote better oral hygiene and reduce the risk of periodontal diseases.
  3. Mental and Behavioural Stimulation:
    • Chewing is a natural, instinctive activity for pets, especially dogs. Raw bones provide mental stimulation and help to alleviate boredom or anxiety, offering a productive outlet for their energy.

Types of Bones to Include (and avoid) in a Raw Diet

  1. Soft raw meaty bones: These bones are soft and pliable, such as chicken wings, chicken necks, and turkey necks. These bones can be fully consumed and provide significant nutritional benefits. Weight bearing bones such as dinosaur bones/marrow bones should be avoided as they can damage your dog’s teeth and cause blockages as they do not break down like soft raw meaty bones. 
  2. Raw vs. Cooked Bones: The Safety Debate: A crucial distinction in raw feeding is that raw bones are safer than cooked bones. Cooking bones alters their structure, making them brittle and more prone to splintering. These splinters can lead to serious internal injuries such as choking, blockages, or perforations of the digestive tract. Soft raw meaty bones, on the other hand, retain their natural flexibility and are less likely to splinter, making them a safer option for pets.

Risks and Precautions When Feeding Bones

While bones offer several benefits, there are also potential risks involved with feeding them:

  1. Choking Hazards and Blockages:
    • Aggressive chewers/gulpers try to swallow the whole bone without chewing it which can cause choking. Always supervise your pet when giving them bones, and select bones appropriate for their size and chewing habits.
  2. Tooth Fractures:
    • Recreational bones, particularly those from large animals, can be hard enough to break teeth. Always choose soft raw meaty bones like chicken necks or roo tails.
  3. Imbalance in Diet:
    • While bones provide essential nutrients, feeding too many can lead to constipation in some dogs. Bones should only make up a small portion of your pet’s overall diet, with BARF meals making up the large majority.

Incorporating Bones Safely into Your Pet’s Raw Diet

To ensure that your pet reaps the benefits of bones in a raw diet without unnecessary risks, follow these guidelines:

  1. Start Slowly:
    • Begin by slowly introducing your dog onto a raw diet prior to introducing bones. 
  2. Choose the Right Bone Size:
    • Ensure that the bone you give your pet is appropriate for their size and chewing style. A general rule of thumb is that the bone should be the width of your pet’s head to prevent them from swallowing it whole.
  3. Supervision is Key:
    • Always supervise your pet while they’re chewing bones. If they attempt to swallow large pieces or struggle with the bone, remove it immediately.

Final Thoughts

Bones can play a vital role in a raw diet, offering your pet nutrition, dental benefits, and mental stimulation. However, it’s essential to understand the different types of bones and how to feed them safely. By doing so, you can ensure that your pet enjoys the benefits of bones while minimising potential risks. Always prioritise your pet’s health and well-being by sourcing high-quality soft raw meaty bones and incorporating them thoughtfully into their diet.